Friday, August 29, 2008

The Way Things Were Meant To Be

I can't help but think that everything in this hard fought campaign between Hillary and Barack turned out exactly the way it was supposed to. This convention was scheduled a long time ago, before anyone knew who the nominee would be, before anyone knew what would happen in the primaries. But how cool is it that these two candidates gave the speeches which were the highlights of the convention on the anniversaries of 2 momentous occasions? Hillary, the first woman to ever win a Presidential primary, a woman who fights for women's rights around the globe, spoke Tuesday night, the 88th anniversary of women's suffrage. And Barack, who many have compared to civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and who has stirred hope in so many Americans, accepted the nomination for President on the 45th anniversay of King's I Have a Dream address. That wasn't planned, it just worked out that way.

When Obama lost the New Hampshire primary, he gave the Yes We Can speech to his supporters. Artist made this music video of the speech. You may have already seen it, but it's worth another watch, or 20. If you haven't already seen it, you will be sorry if you don't. And then you will want to watch it 20 more times, too.

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