Wednesday, August 27, 2008

I Know, He Had to Eat a Lot of Words

Say what you want about Terry McAuliffe, but I really like the guy. He addressed us at the Arizona breakfast this morning. (BTW we are being fed really well. Monday breakfast was sponsored by APS, Tuesday by Pfizer, and today by SRP - thanks for the great food, corporate sponsors.)

McAuliffe told us that the latest poll shows McCain up by only 5 points in AZ. He also talked about us losing in 2000 and 2004 because the Republicans wanted to win more than we did. Every day after the 2000 election, while the recounts were going on, there were protestors outside the VP's house on Massachusetts Ave. with signs calling Gore a sore loser. There were no Democrats out there to counter that. In 2004 there is no way we should have let the Republicans do to Kerry's service record - a man who twice voluteered to go to Vietnam - what they did when Bush used his family connections to sit it out in the National Guard.

There is a rule that you don't go negative during the other political party's convention, but that rule has been broken this year. The stuff we are going to see in this race will make the Swift Boat ads look like PSA's.

We have to want it more. This is what touched me the most about McAliffe's remarks: he said we have to want it more because we need to be fighting for the people out there who don't get a breakfast like we are enjoying. Our worst day is better than the best day for those struggling to get by. They are counting on us to fight for them.

1 comment:

PapaK said...

Pfizer? Geez. I'm not even allowed to take food from them.
