Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary's Night

Well, being from Arizona, it was also Janet's night, but the highlight for me was obviously Hillary.

Janet was great. She talked about the unsuccessful runs at the Presidency that Arizonans have had - Barry Goldwater, Mo Udall, Bruce Babbitt - and said that's one tradition she hopes we keep. She is pretty confident that Arizona can go for Obama. I'm not someone who always pays attention to all of the polls, but a recent one shows McCain up by only 6 points in AZ.

Lilly Ledbetter of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2007 (you can read more about her case here) was also on the agenda. She was an amazing speaker and received a standing ovation.

My favorite quote of the evening (except for Hillary's entire speech) was Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts who said Democrats don't deserve to win just because Republicans deserve to lose.

And Brian Schwietzer, Governor of Montana, was highly entertaining.

I just loved Hillary's speech. Yes, it made me cry. If you did not like Hillary on the campaign trail, all you need to do is watch this speech and you will understand the inspiration she is to so many Americans. It was just so good, and I think what so many people needed to hear from her. I really don't have any more words for it.

After the speech, I was interviewed by a newspaper reporter from the Netherlands (he just randomly stopped me). If I can find the article, I will share it. I, along with a couple other Clinton delegates from AZ, also talked to KFYI (550 AM, Phoenix), so I am guessing they will use clips of the interviews on their news coverage of the convention. It seemed like most reporters were looking for Hillary delegates who either a) said they wouldn't support Obama, or b) said the speech pushed them off the fence towards supporting Obama. The thing is, everyone I know who is a Clinton delegate or supporter is a Democrat. The one thing we Democrats are united in is that America can't afford a McCain White House. I don't know anyone who needed Hillary's speech tonight to push them off the fence and support Obama.

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